Fish Perfume (Cozy Harbor Marina Series) Read online

Page 17

  Helen and I devoured our burgers and ordered another beer. We decided to stay and listen to the band for a set. More people started to come into the bar, and a little skinny, nerdy-looking guy with a buzz cut came in and sat next to Helen. I had an older couple next to me. The nerdy guy looked at us and said, “Okay, now I know who’s responsible for global warming.”

  Helen looked at me and rolled her eyes.

  The guy said, “Hi, my name is Pete.”

  Helen said, “I’m Helen, and this is Meggie. Is that your best line?”

  He said, “I have a million of them. Maybe you girls could help me out and tell me which ones you like best.”

  We both said, “Okay.”

  He said, “Do you have a quarter? I need to call my mother and tell her I met the woman of my dreams.”

  We both made a face and he said, “Can I buy you a drink or should I just give you the money?”

  We shook our heads no.

  He said, “I may not be Fred Flintstone, but I bet I can make your bed rock.”

  Helen laughed and said, “Keep going.”

  He said, “Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again?”

  I said, “I like that one.”

  He said, “My name is Pete. Remember it because you’ll be screaming it later.”

  Helen said, “You’ll get smacked with that one.”

  Then he said, “Okay, this is my last one.” He looked Helen up and down and said, “Wow, all those curves, and me with no brakes.”

  She said, “That’s my favorite. Where do you get all these lines from?”

  He said, “The Internet, where else. Can I buy you ladies a drink for putting up with me?”

  We looked at each other and said, “Sure.”

  I felt someone behind me, and then that someone kissed me on the neck. I turned around and Ian was standing there. Whenever I see him, it’s as if a light goes on inside me.

  He said, “I was on my way home and saw your car, so I thought I’d stop by. I hope you don’t mind?”

  “No. I’m glad you did.”

  “I hope I’m not infringing on a girls’ night out.”

  “Not at all. We came for a burger and decided to hear one set of the band, then head home.”

  I asked him, “How was your meeting?”

  “Lively as usual.”

  Ian ordered himself a beer, and then Helen introduced him to Pete. The band was setting up and the bar was getting crowded. A tall, pretty brunette came up to Ian and draped her arms around him.

  She said, “Hey stranger, I haven’t heard from you in a while.”

  Ian looked at me and then back at her. He said, “Cindy, I want you to meet my girlfriend, Meggie.”

  Cindy looked at me in surprise and said, “Well, that explains a lot. Hello, Meggie.”

  I blushed and said hi. I looked over at Helen, and she smiled and raised her eyebrows.

  Cindy unwrapped herself from Ian and said to him, “Well, this is a sad day for a lot of ladies. You’re a lucky girl, Meggie. It was nice to meet you. Bye, Ian.”

  He said, “See you around, Cindy.”

  Pete said to Ian, “I guess the red one’s taken.”

  Ian put his arm around me and said, “Afraid so.”

  Pete said to Helen, “How about you, blond one?

  She said, “Sorry, I’m taken, too.”

  Pete said, “Well, I guess I’ll mingle and try my lines out on some other girls.”

  Helen rubbed his crew cut and said, “Don’t give up, Romeo. Keep working on those lines.”

  He gave us a bow and wandered off down the bar. Helen moved over, and Ian sat between us.

  Ian said, “I’m looking forward to tomorrow night. Why don’t you come over about 7:30?”

  I said, “7:30 is good.”

  The band started to play. They were great. They started a real lively tune and Helen turned to me and said, “Hey, Meggie, you up for a dance? We can show off our old stuff.”


  When I was in the fifth grade, my mom decided I should take Irish step dancing. I didn’t want to because I didn’t know anyone else taking it. She called Helen’s mom and asked her if Helen could take them with me. So Helen became the only Polish Irish step dancer in the class. We took lessons for three years and had a lot of fun. We got to dance in all the local parades, with the highlight being Philadelphia’s annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade. To this day, whenever we’re at an Irish bar, we always get up and do our favorite routine. We kicked off our flip-flops and got out there and did our number. The dance floor cleared as people watched us and clapped to the music. When we finished, everyone gave us a big round of applause.

  We went back to the bar and Ian said, “That was great. You’re both terrific dancers.”

  I said to him, “I have a lot of other talents, too.”

  He looked me up and down and said, “Believe me, I intend to discover each and every one of them.”

  It suddenly got very warm in the bar.

  We finished our beers and, when the set ended, we got up and left. Ian walked us to my car, gave me a quick kiss, and said goodnight.

  As we drove home, Helen said, “Meggie, did you love the look on Cindy’s face when Ian called you his girlfriend?”

  “I can’t believe he did that. I was floored.”

  “No one deserves a nice guy more than you do, Meggie. I’m happy for you but sad at the same time. I have a feeling you won’t be coming back to Philly. What will I do without my best friend?”

  I said, “I don’t know what will happen. Maybe you’ll wind up in Rhode Island with Tony.”

  Helen said, “You never know.”

  I said, “I guess it would be hard for you to give up your job. Maybe Tony would move to Philly.”

  “No way. After college, he worked on Wall Street for five years. He gave himself five years in New York with the goal of making a lot of money and then moving back to Rhode Island. After his five years were up, he did just that and bought his business and his house. He hates big cities. If we ever got to the point of marriage, no way could I ask that of him. Besides, it would kill his mother. I’m very marketable, and I wouldn’t have trouble getting a job here. If I left Philly, my mother would still have my brother and sister to torture.”

  “God, Hel, wouldn’t it be crazy if we both wound up here.”

  “Time will tell. I’m still looking for Tony’s flaw.”

  “What are you doing tomorrow?”

  “Tony is taking me to Newport to tour the mansions.”

  “You’ll love Newport. I’m gonna owe Tony for entertaining you.”

  She gave me a wicked smile and said, “Don’t worry about it. He’s been paid in full, over and over again.”

  When we got home, I decided to just go to bed. I wanted to get a good night’s sleep so I would feel great tomorrow. Helen decided to do the same thing. I was enjoying working my way through Gram’s Elizabeth Adler collection, and I was halfway through Peach. I read for a while and fell asleep.

  Friday mornings are always really busy, and this one was no exception. Around 10:00, Deb and Terry stopped in.

  Deb said, “Hey, Meggie. I heard you wanted to talk to me.”

  I said, “I need some advice.”

  She said, “Shoot.”

  I took them over to the bulletin board and explained about all the thefts. I asked them, “Do you think I should call the cops?”

  Deb said, “Since it’s just small stuff, I can almost guarantee it’s kids. An adult would go for the more expensive stuff. Terry and I are going to be down here all weekend. We’ll do a little stake-out. I’ll catch the bugger. There really is nothing the police can do at this point. T
hey’re not going to station a cop down here for a missing pair of sunglasses and a bucket.”

  I said, “I told everyone in the flyer I left on the boats to watch out for people walking around the docks who don’t belong here.”

  Deb said, “That’s good. But the average person doesn’t usually know what to look for. Don’t you worry, Meggie; I’ll be on the job.”

  I said, “Thanks so much. I’ve been really worried about this. Things have been going missing for a couple of weeks now.”

  I asked Terry, “How’s Sue’s divorce coming along?”

  She grinned. “By the time I finish with that son of a bitch, I’ll have his balls hanging from the piling next to Bonnie’s giant tuna tail.”

  I laughed and told them to have a great weekend.

  At about two o’clock, since things had calmed down, I left Journey in charge and slipped out to run a few errands. I stopped by Mac’s house to check on him and see if he needed anything at the grocery store. He looked great and said the doctor told him he could start clamming again next week. I filled him in on my big date with Ian and our dinner tonight with Tony and Helen. Mac took me out back and gave me some beautiful tomatoes from his garden. He said he was all stocked up with food and didn’t need a thing. I gave him a kiss and continued with my errands. Since Mac gave me the beautiful tomatoes, I decided to make a Caprese salad. I picked up some fresh mozzarella and basil for the salad, and then I took a look at all the berries on display and decided to make a fresh fruit tart, which I baked back at the cottage. I would make the salad at Ian’s house.

  I went back to the store and closed up. Helen was at the cottage when I got back. She had a great day and loved Newport.

  I asked her, “What mansions did you tour?”

  She said, “The Breakers and the Astor’s Beechwood. It’s hard to believe people lived that lavishly.”

  I shook my head and said, “I can’t imagine what that would be like.”

  I jumped in the shower first, then dried my hair and put on a little makeup. I chose a tailored, white knee-length skirt and my favorite pink shirt. Helen was right behind me. She looked her gorgeous self by the time Tony arrived to pick us up.

  I handed Tony the tart and his eyes lit up. He said, “Wow, did you make this?”

  “Yes. I love to cook.”

  He said, “Can we have dessert first?”

  I gave him a stern look and said, “No. You’ll have to wait.”

  Tony drove us over to Ian’s where they got a tour of his house, and then Ian made vodka tonics for everyone. Ian took Helen and Tony out on the deck, and Sam did a few tricks for them. I went into the kitchen to make the salad while Ian cooked the rest of the meal. The guys had fun teaching Helen how to take apart a lobster, a skill I had learned years ago from my mother and grandmother. Dinner was delicious. I served my tart and everyone went crazy over it. When we finished, we were all so full that Ian suggested we go for a little walk down the beach. Ian held my hand as we strolled along the sand.

  When we got back to the house, Tony said, “Helen and I are going to take off. Thanks for a great dinner.”

  Helen said, “That was delicious.”

  Tony asked me, “Meggie, do you want a ride home?”

  Ian quickly answered, “I’ll take her.”

  Sam, Ian, and I walked them out. Ian shut the door and I said, “Let me help you clean up.”


  We made quick work of it. When we finished, I looked at the clock and saw that it was 11:00.

  I said, “Ian, it’s getting late. Do you want to drive me home now?”

  He came over to me, put his arms around me, and kissed me. He said, “Meggie, I don’t want you to go.”

  I said, “I thought you wanted to wait and get to know me better.”

  He took my hand and put it over his heart. “I know you in here.”

  I touched his cheek and said, “I know you, too.”

  He gave me a long, scorching kiss, then worked his way down my neck, nibbling on my ear lobe on the way. I was melting. He kissed me again. His hands moved down my back and he pressed me closer to him. We couldn’t get enough of each other. He finally stepped back and scooped me up in his arms and carried me upstairs. He gently laid me down on the bed and lit some candles. The moonlight shone in the windows.

  He took off my sandals and kicked off his shoes and lay down next to me. He kissed me again and started to unbutton my blouse.

  He said, “You’re so beautiful. I want you so much. I’ve wanted you from the first moment I saw you standing on the dock.”

  I put my arms around his neck and said, “I’ve wanted you, too.”

  He undressed me like I was a beautifully wrapped present, savoring every moment. I lay there naked in his bed and watched him remove his clothes. I finally got to see his lean, hard, muscular body. It was even better than I imagined. He was perfect. I wish I could just freeze-frame this moment.

  After we made love for the second time, he turned to me, brushed my hair back and said, “Oh, Meggie. What am I going to do with you?”

  I said, “I hope you’ll do more of what you just did.”

  He laughed and kissed me. “You can count on it.”

  I had to ask him, “Ian, did you tell Cindy I was your girlfriend because you wanted to shake her loose, or did you really mean it?”

  He said, “Meggie, I promise you, I’d never say anything like that unless I meant it.”

  “Good. I want you to know that I only date one guy at a time.”

  “Meggie, I think you’re wondering if we’re going to be exclusive.”

  “I know I was going to be because that’s the way I am. But you said you have a lot of girlfriends.”

  He smiled and said, “I was kidding. You’re the only girl I want to be with. Now, let me have another look at those mosquito bites.”

  I don’t know when we fell asleep, but when I woke up, Ian was lying on his side looking at me.

  I asked him, “Did you sleep?”

  He nodded and said, “I woke up about five minutes ago. I wish we could stay in bed all day, but I’ve got to go to work.”

  “What time is it?”

  “Four o’clock.”

  “I’ve got to open up the marina.”

  He said, “I’ll jump in the shower and get some coffee going.”

  Then he kissed me and said, “Meggie, last night meant a lot to me.”

  “Me, too.”

  When Ian got out of the shower, I jumped in. When I got down to the kitchen, he handed me a cup of coffee.

  I said, “I’ll just take this with me.”

  When we got to the marina, it was just starting to get light. He said, “Have a great day. Can I see you tonight?”

  I said, “I’d love that. Helen and Tony are going out.”

  He said, “I’ll pick you up at 7:30.”

  He kissed me and went down to the docks.

  When I got into the cottage, I had to do a happy dance. Today my life is perfect.


  I couldn’t stop smiling all morning. I’m so in love I can’t stand myself. Helen stopped in mid-morning and found me in the office.

  She took one look at my face and said, “So, I can see he didn’t let you leave last night. It’s written all over your face.”

  I sighed and said, “Being with him was everything I knew it would be and more. Hel, I love him. I know what you’re thinking. I’ve fallen hard fast but I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life. He’s it.”

  She smiled and said, “I like him, Meggie. He seems like a great guy. Just be careful. Just so you know, if he hurts you, I’ll have to beat the crap out of him.”


I asked her how her night was.

  She said, “It was super-fantastic as usual. He’s taking me to the beach today, then I’ll be back to get ready for our last night. Tony has special plans, and I’m supposed to dress up. Are you seeing Ian tonight?”

  “Yeah, I don’t know what we’re going to do, but he said he would pick me up at 7:30.”

  “Oh good, we can get ready together. I don’t want to go home tomorrow,” she whined.

  “Hel, you’re welcome to stay as long as you want.”

  “Thanks, but I can’t. I’ve got a big meeting on Tuesday, and I’ve got to do a presentation. I need to get back and get ready for it. Tony is going to come down to Philly next weekend.”

  “That’s great.”

  “Yeah. I’ll show him our stomping grounds.”

  “Well, enjoy your last day.”

  “I’ll see you around 6:00.”

  At the end of the day as I closed up the store, I realized that no one had been in to report any more thefts.

  Helen and I helped each other get ready that evening for our big dates. She looked stunning in a gorgeous, strapless blue dress that matched her eyes. I wore my blue sundress with the tiny spaghetti straps. Tony showed up first, looking like he stepped off the cover of GQ. They made the most gorgeous couple. I saw them off and waited for Ian. He showed up in a pair of jeans and a light blue chambray shirt. He looked at me and said, “Sweetheart, you look beautiful, but I think you’re going to have to change.”

  “Where are we going?”